Chiropractic Adjustment in Downers Grove, IL

At the office of Colleen A. Kennedy, DC, our female chiropractor offers treatment using both manual chiropractic adjustments and instrument-assisted adjusting. By offering both techniques we can provide the best treatment for your personal needs. What are the differences between manual and instrument-assisted adjustment techniques?

Manual Chiropractic Adjustment

Manual Chiropractic Adjustments involve the use of the chiropractor’s hands to perform the adjustment. The doctor’s hands can provide them with a wealth of information while making the adjustment to allow them to customize the treatment to your specific needs.

Instrument-Assisted Adjustment

Instrument-Assisted chiropractic adjustments involve the use of external equipment to perform the adjustment. There are a wide variety of tools that a chiropractor can use that can increase the accuracy and effectiveness of the adjustment. Your chiropractor will use an instrument if they feel it will help provide better results.

Chiropractic adjustments can help treat a variety of issues and provide you with a better quality of life. Contact us today to schedule your chiropractic appointment.

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